120 lines
4.0 KiB
120 lines
4.0 KiB
use League\CommonMark\Extension\HeadingPermalink\HeadingPermalinkExtension;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\TableOfContents\TableOfContentsExtension;
return [
'code_highlighting' => [
* To highlight code, we'll use Shiki under the hood. Make sure it's installed.
* More info: https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-markdown/v1/installation-setup
'enabled' => true,
* The name of or path to a Shiki theme
* More info: https://github.com/shikijs/shiki/blob/main/docs/themes.md
'theme' => 'github-dark',
* When enabled, anchor links will be added to all titles
'add_anchors_to_headings' => true,
* These options will be passed to the league/commonmark package which is
* used under the hood to render markdown.
* More info: https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-markdown/v1/using-the-blade-component/passing-options-to-commonmark
'commonmark_options' => [
'table_of_contents' => [
'html_class' => 'table-of-contents',
'position' => 'placeholder',
'style' => 'bullet',
'min_heading_level' => 1,
'max_heading_level' => 6,
'normalize' => 'relative',
'placeholder' => '[TOC]',
'heading_permalink' => [
'html_class' => 'not-prose',
'id_prefix' => 'content',
'apply_id_to_heading' => false,
'heading_class' => '',
'fragment_prefix' => 'content',
'insert' => 'before',
'min_heading_level' => 1,
'max_heading_level' => 6,
'symbol' => '#',
'aria_hidden' => true,
* Rendering markdown to HTML can be resource intensive. By default
* we'll cache the results.
* You can specify the name of a cache store here. When set to `null`
* the default cache store will be used. If you do not want to use
* caching set this value to `false`.
'cache_store' => null,
* This class will convert markdown to HTML
* You can change this to a class of your own to greatly
* customize the rendering process
* More info: https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-markdown/v1/advanced-usage/customizing-the-rendering-process
'renderer_class' => Spatie\LaravelMarkdown\MarkdownRenderer::class,
* These extensions should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
* extension implements League\CommonMark\Extension\ExtensionInterface
* More info: https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/overview/
'extensions' => [
* These block renderers should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
* renderer implements League\CommonMark\Renderer\NodeRendererInterface;
* More info: https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/customization/rendering/
'block_renderers' => [
// ['class' => FencedCode::class, 'renderer' => MyCustomCodeRenderer::class, 'priority' => 0]
* These inline renderers should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
* renderer implements League\CommonMark\Renderer\NodeRendererInterface;
* More info: https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/customization/rendering/
'inline_renderers' => [
// ['class' => FencedCode::class, 'renderer' => MyCustomCodeRenderer::class, 'priority' => 0]
* These inline parsers should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
* parser implements League\CommonMark\Renderer\InlineParserInterface;
* More info: https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/customization/inline-parsing/
'inline_parsers' => [
// ['parser' => MyCustomInlineParser::class, 'priority' => 0]